Thursday, May 17, 2012

Diablo, slayed for the millionth time.

*Update 20 May 2012

Only 5 days after released, Diablo has now been slain in Inferno Mode (Hardest Difficulty available).

Mind the static in the start, just skip to 2 minutes.


"Armed with a Greatsword of Greed on the right hand and a Stalwart Shield of Avarice on the left, Activision Blizzard lays the finishing blow on Diablo, forever killing the once mighty lord of ARPG"

Greed, avarice, covetousness. Players around the world can claim that have slain Diablo once more and rid the world of Sanctuary of evil. But the true victor here is not the would be players but the corporate giants that stick their hands into the world of game publishing.

Like a nail to the coffin, Diablo's fate is forever sealed as players are getting wise to the con that Acti Bliz served them for $60. As players flooded the login servers upon released, the billion dollar gaming corporation somehow did not anticipated for the massive player swarm.

"As the players entered their username and password, every attempt to log in was like a punch to the might Server. Punch after punch, the machine could take no more and it fell cold on the ground denying millions a chance to face the legions of burning hell..."

With years of experience running the most played MMO in the world and they failed to foresee massive player log in due to DRM?

For this one problem, Acti Bliz has lost much customers that felt it was a waste of their time and money. Just looking at the reviews on Metacritic, I almost laughed myself off the chair. Negative fan reviews are more then double that of positive fan reviews. Of course, quite a large number are fans whining about how they failed to log in, lag/spikes, disconnects, followed by the hate for DRM and lastly are those who really looked into the game and provided critical review on the game itself.

From Metacritic: Behold how the cowardly gaming sites review Blizzy's child with awesome ratings while the truth is only spoken by the players

So it seems that most of my predictions are correct or near the target and here are the main gripes about the game that a lot of players are now finding out:

  • Short game play
    • Koreans finished normal mode in 6 hours? followed closely by Russian, EU, and American players... As of last night, players have completed Act 1 in Inferno difficulty (4th and hardest difficulty)
  • Linear and Predictable storyline
    • Straight forward story, directed story telling and predictable plot. What if I told you there was a plan since Diablo2 that actually sent the player venturing into the High Heavens and they are just reusing this 10 years later for Diablo3?
  • As easy as A, B, C
    • With players easily finishing normal mode and so on without death and some reaching Inferno difficulty on the second day of the game's release, says it all.
  • Uncreative and Unimaginative
    • After losing most of its core creative talent during Blizzard glorious era, they now lack the ability to lead in the innovative category and ends up creating a skill and stat system that allows zero customization. Stats and damage all revolves around gear as there is no other way to modify your stats and skills are given to you as you level without choice.
  • Arcade
    • They have manage to turn an ARPG game into an arcade game turning every boss fight into a battle of dodging boss's 1-hit-kill skills, timing of HP wells (fail pot system), Health globe, kitting and time consuming.

There is no need for me to mention too much a lot of it are now known issues and players start to notice what they actually end up getting after paying $60.

Click here to see my previous predictions and how scarily accurate it was.

Blizzy has also conveniently uploaded all their CGI cutscenes for Diablo3 on Youtube so you can enjoy stunning CGI without having to go through a broken game.

>> Link to Official Blizzard Diablo 3 Cinematics

>> Link to Official Blizzard Diablo 3 Class Opening

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