Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dirty is the new Clean.

Slightly over 2 weeks and our beloved national TV station, RTM has finally released their take of the bersih event that took place on 28 April 2012.

Watching this video really makes me want to stop watching TV all together and just stick with what ever I can get from the internet. This shows the depths that some people are willing to sink to in order to make the truth totally invalid.

No need to state the obvious that this video is aimed at lying to the general populace that watches national TV but I just want to point out some of the less noticeable methods used in the video to emphasize on the "evil-ness" of the event and the "good-ness" of the government.

First of you will be introduced to rock music accompanying every scene that depicts the "evil" protesters doing supposedly dastardly evil acts. The fast paced rock music filled with guitar and bass drives up the viewers adrenaline and attention. This helps the general viewers associate violence and "evil" heavy metal rock music and vice versa. Notice that when the scene switches to feature police, etc, the music changes?

Second, you will notice that all the properly edited and well selected scenes of the participants, depicts them in a angry, unruly, aggressive, chaotic and violent state. Scenes of participants chanting, the leaders speaking, people breaking through the barricades, etc. The one sided story of the entire event is their main goal of making this video.

Thirdly, the commentator continues to feed lies into the mind of the viewer. Speaking in a harsh tone condemning the event and its organizers.

Fourth points to the viewers that the event is made to gain international media coverage. With such a monopolized media in the country, international media and the internet is the only hope of the truth getting out.

Lastly, everything that is associated to the even is painted to be an planned act by traitors of the country plotting to topple the government with no weapons, huh?!?!

These guys really need to take their heads out of each other a*sholes and smell the roses around them cause it not everything revolves around their sh*t.

I could go on and on but I think that is enough venting for now. Time to work on some proper post and yes, it will be about Fail-ablo 3!


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