Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lose or Lie. A game of Truth.

"It is not power that corrupts but fear, Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it..." 
Aung  San Suu  Kyi

And this is what drive so many once great leaders to oblivion. The lust to retain in the seat of power urges them to go to great lengths, totally ignoring what they once fought for in order to remain on the top.

Before I start side tracking to history of power crazed leaders, I  better get back to topic...

Some of you that were at Bersih 3.0 gathering might have experienced poor or total lost of phone signal on the day around Dataran area. Most people though it was just too many users on at the same time and signal strength was insufficient to support that many simultaneous users.

I would have though so too, but there are rumors going around that our beloved government has resorted to more high tech devices to stop live feed of information from being uploaded to the internet which they cannot regulate immediately.

Signal jammers or more specifically, Cell/ Mobile Phone Jammer is not something common and are mostly found in high restriction areas that prohibits the use of mobile phones like hospitals, cinemas, military bases and so on. It is also banned from public/ civilian use in most countries as it is a form of inhibition.

By emitting radio waves of the same signal as those used for communications such as GSM, 3G, 4G, etc. Not just phone calls, there are variants that are powerful enough to block out wireless internet in a radius.

After doing some digging, it seems that the rumors might just be true.

Here is a security/ military grade Cell Phone Jammer,

and now check out this video of a footage during the gathering, (spot the resemblance?)

Do not mistake this for LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device used in anti riots) LRAD Video HERE.

However, this device serves for another purpose that is commonly use especially in large riots to block out cell phone triggered bombs and used by military for the same purpose.

Either the government was being safe and prepared for cell phone triggered bombs or using it for all it is worth. Looking at how they choose suppress news of the event by regulating local mass media, confiscating and destruction of recording devices during the even (beating up cameramen and breaking their cameras) to censorship of international news covering the even, I would dare say it was used for latter purpose.

After this event, it truly amazes me how our beloved leaders of this awesome nation can continue to go on live TV and lie to the masses in their faces while blaming the innocent at the expense of those guilty for attacking defenseless civilians.

More people are waking up to their ruse thanks to the internet but it is a matter of time before start censoring in order to preserve their power.

This turned out longer then I intended to write.... time for some supper, I think I will go have some earth.

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