Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Elder Scroll Online: E3 roundup

If you didn't know, E3 just happened and lots of cool games and updates were reveal. One of them is the much anticipated, Elder Scroll Online.

To know more about the game, HERE is a link to my previous post about it.

Asides from the eye candy CGI, the teaser also reveals a few of the classes available,
  • Warrior / Barbarian (beefy, tanky melee) class is shown
  • Mage / Wizard (range caster) class is shown
  • Ranger / Archer / Hunter (range shooter) class is shown

Not much else to add on tn the gameplay as what is shown is more or less already known facts about the game. The graphics and details do look great and glimpses of the cities/town seems to match Oblivion & Skyrim (cities are probably even larger as they are suppose to be hubs in MMOs)

Release date is still unknown and maintained as 2013.
  • Morrowind was released on 4 June 2002
  • Oblivion was released on 20 March 2006
  • Skyrim was released on 11 November 2011
My predictions:
  • Closed Beta: November / December 2012
  • Open Beta: February / March 2013
  • Release: May / June 2013

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