Saturday, April 28, 2012

Of Tear Gas & Water Cannon

*Updated (29 April)

All local medias focus coverage on damage and destruction to "the government and their armed forces" trying to depict gathers as a murderous horde but no mention to the plights of the unarmed civilians. (got to love local newspapers)

Barely a day over the event, number of videos start surfacing telling stories from various angles.

There is not much to say after watching these powerful videos.

  • When armed forces go out of control, who is going to keep us safe now? 
(Video Link)

  • The controversial video of police car ramming into civilians (presumably, lost control of the car)
(Video Link)

  • And here is the a similar video, from the perspective of the police force. 
(Video Link)

  • Some footage from Al-Jazeera (even journalists are not spared).
(Link to article about Journalists getting harsh treatment, regardless of their status)
(Video Link)

  • You though having international news channel would give you access to uncensored news coverage? Think again... (can't get more evidence if this video is real, but it seems legit)
(Video Link)

  • More distortions of the public media in order to portray the gatherers and organizers as enemies, and the government as righteous heroes.
> Link to TheStar Sunday.

<< Will link more as I find them. >>

Unarmed civilians had face off against a firing squad of Riot Police.

With numbers, we can achieve anything and it looks like a statement was well made today.

For our country, defenseless civilians are willing to go toe to toe with armed personnels, that is the spirit.

A summary of the days events can be found HERE.

And a 23 minute video to put it all in perspective.

Click HERE for the Video (can't get it linked cause blogger refuses to show it in search...)

The best part is our beloved leader of this awesome country flees to East Malaysia to rule from a safe zone...

Shows the kind of leadership this country has.

Click HERE for a Video of how the local News channel (TV1) broadcasts distorted news because it manipulated and controlled by the government. (funny how the the new casters can say all that twisted crap with a straight face.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Are you ready for April 28?

*Updated (27 April)

The Lady has spoken.


Here are some extra information and links for the auspicious event.

Route map for the event and all its rally points pointing to the main venue.

And some cute educational pictures regarding gathering
 (made for last years event but still relevant and informative)

Click on LINK


The current state of our voting system.

"The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion."

This quote has always been my favorite. Religious beliefs, racial creeds and political inclinations should never be the barrier that separates mankind from unity. Sadly, years of civilization has only driven mankind further apart...

Plagued with corruption and uneven distribution of power/wealth across the country (not as bad as some other countries, but it is prominent enough for the citizens to feel pressure), the Malaysia is now in the verge of having it's 13th General Election in the coming months.

28 April is just around the corner where supporters clad in yellow will take to the streets (more precisely, Dataran Merdeka) of KL and have a sit-down protest for a cleaner election and electoral reform before the General Elections.

Everyone hopes for a peaceful gathering, however history tends to repeat itself and it is highly unlikely that this round of "peaceful gathering" will be anything but peaceful thanks to strict security measures taken by the ruling government to prevent such a gathering. Anti Riot Personnel, Water Cannon Trucks, City Road Blockades and other preventive measures will surely be in place on the Saturday (road blockade can start as early as a day or 2 before the actual date).

For those interested in attending/ supporting this cause for a "better" nation, here are a few safety tips that could make your mob gathering experience, a more successful one.

Avoid wearing contact lenses as Tear Gas or Chemical laced water from water cannon trucks will wreck havoc on your eyes. Instead, opt for tight fitting goggles (swimming or industrial versions). Do NOT  rub your hands against your eyes, nose, mouth or any openings if you have been hit with Tear Gas as this would easily spread it torment.

Clothing/ Attire
Avoid wearing bright colored clothing but most supporters of this gathering will be in yellow shirt so... The trick is to either wear another black t-shirt below or wear a jacket above so you can swap whenever appropriate. Also, always bring spare change of clothing (make sure to keep them in a plastic bag to keep them clean). Carry a damp scarf or bandana and use it to cover your mouth/ nose to let it soak up the affects of the Tear Gas.

You can always try wearing slippers if you fancy your toes getting mashed by hordes of fleeing protestors. A pair of good fitting Sneakers are your best option and try to pack along a pair of  spare shoe or slipper as backup as all that running/ escaping can easily cause you to lose your footwear during the havoc.

Yes, phones and not just a phone. Bring along a spare as things might get messy and your phone could easily get splashed with water and so on rendering them useless. Ziplock bags are great for keeping your phone dry.

ID/ Cash
Put all your credit/debit cards aside and bring only a decent amount of cash (a couple hundred in 50s and smaller notes, coins might help if you need to use a public phone). They are going to be mighty useful to pay for transports, bribing your way pass checkpoints or out of apprehension and so on. Make sure to bring along your ID in case you get rounded up. Once again, keep them dry in Ziplocks.

Always inform your family/ relative/ friends that you can trust if you are attending such an auspicious gathering. Keep a list of important contacts in your phone (or paper incase your phone dies) such as lawyers, judges, attorneys, friends in high places etc. as you might need their help after you get arrested.

Food/ Water
It could easily go on for hours and you wouldn't want to be caught dehydrated and hungry when the action starts. Bring along some protein bars, granola bars, chocolate treats, gatorade and red-bull so top up on sugar and energy. Don't forget the all important H2O.

Bring along a some basic first aid supplies like a roll of bandage or some plasters and so on as you never know when things might get rough. Below are some quick remedies incase of Tear Gas or Chemical Laced Water (from water cannon trucks):
  • Liquid Antacid* & Water (LAW) - A good mix of 50% Antacid & 50% Water kept in a bottle** is very handy for washing eyes, skin, mouth, nose etc (even your genitals) after you are hit with Tear Gas or Chemical Laced Water as it helps to reduce the suffering.

  • Saline/ Salt Water - Mix a salt (5-10%) and water (90-95%) in a bottle** before hand and use it to wash/ rinse away any Riot Control Chemicals on you. Helps to reduce the irritation.
* Common Antacids: Eno & Maalox.
** Consider putting the mixtures in Spray Bottles for ease of use.

  • Toothpaste - A less common remedy that is rubbed directly below your eyes if they are affected with Tear Gas. Suppose to counter the irritating affects of Tear Gas.

Mental Readiness
It is not a picnic or a walk in the park, and it will get messy. Think before any confrontation and do not be easily intimidated. Be alert of your surroundings and know your exit routes. If you are going with friends, designate a emergency meet-up point incase you get separated. Avoid areas like bridges or exit points as a person can easily get trampled to death by a fleeing mob. Know your safe zones like clinics, hospitals... well "most" hospitals should be safe enough.

You are now ready to be one bad-ass protester.

The tips above are generally for gathering that ends up turning sour and all hell breaks lose. If some how all goes well and the gathering ends up taking place peaceful with no government suppresion and a triple rainbow appears, you can then enjoy the gathering comfortably.

Source1, Source2, Source3

Monday, April 23, 2012

Diablo 3: The Verdict

As first impressions go, Diablo 3 was comparable to a homeless guy that has no bathed in months with shirt and pants that has more holes then swiss cheese, attending an interview in a Corporate office.

Learning of Diablo 3's Open Beta weekend a few days back, I decided to give the game a chance and took the opportunity to enter Tristram once more as a budding Hero, only to know that it was not that easy to actually get an opportunity to face Diablo and his minions. Lets just say my speculations mostly came through  and I present to a review of my experience with Diablo 3.
  • After log in to download page, I was presented with the general download page along with other Blizzard titles (WoW was conveniently on the top of the page) and I almost clicked on the top link thinking that I have was in the download page for Diablo 3 instead of a general download page.
  • 2 hours later, the game download was 99%, when suddenly the downloader crashed with error compiler message.
  • Before relaunching the launcher, I checked game folder and it was at 4.4GB (beta client was 4+ GB)
  • Relaunched the launcher and it started to redownload the whole game again... there goes another 2 hours
  • Launcher relaunched after download to setup the files and it got stuck at 70% (waited 30 minutes)
  • Apparently a lot of people get this random error and it is due to temp files getting stuck so I had to locate and delete the temp bnet launcher files to get it redownloaded...
  • Finally I could click the play button to launch the game and got to the ingame log in screen
  • Error 3003 kept popping up with no description. "error: 3003", WHO THE HELL KNOWS WHAT THAT MEANS!?!?!?
  • After a quick google search, the error is due to region login and can be fixed by changing your region
  • Changed to Asia and it still took me several tries before being able to log in.
  • Made a Character & clicked on start game only to receive another error... more spamming of "Start Game" button before I got in the actual game (a good 5 hours gone before any gameplay...)
  • Clicked on a spot to move and the game stuttered for a few seconds... huh?
  • I though it was the graphics but the game is using a crappy old engine so I tried to use a skill and more stuttering...
  • Went and lower the graphics to all low and used a skill again, stutter!
  • Alt-tabbed, googled, and the issue is due to frame-rate stutter that random machines get... (a known issue and Blizzard has yet to fix after months of testing, sigh...)
  • Anyway, after getting stutters every few minutes (less frequent as play continued) I finally got the feel of the game
My brother was more lucky as he manage to download in 1 try, took a few tries to log in but manage to get in the game fairly quickly and experienced no frame rate stuttering issues. So I guess some people are just luckier/unluckier then others.
(My PC is more then sufficient for optimum play, up to date on its drivers, running on Windows7 and SSD that was just formatted a few months back, loads of RAM)

After trying each character and slaying Leoric so many times Diablo wouldn't want to ressurect him anymore, I have summarized some of the main highlights of the game.

"Ugghgh Smash! Smash All Things! Uggh Like!"
Your purpose is to smash anything and everything in the name of loot. There was no sense of gameplay/storyline immersion. Maybe it is just beta and the game devs. don't want to reveal too much, I could forgive them for now, but presentation of the game was nothing fancy for a multi million dollar budget production.

Your destiny has been decided.
Diablo 1 & 2 allowed players the freedom of adding stats as they leveled but now, Blizzard has decided your on where to add your stats. No, you aren't playing WoW but they have adopted the same character stat growth model.

You get predefined stats per level based on your class (so you always do more damage, get more HP, etc as you level). Stats can also be obtained from your gear and probably quest completion.

"Why would Blizzard do this, I though they always wanted players to be creative and allowed them to explore different play styles?"

I think you are referring to a company once known as Blizzard 10 years ago. The "new" Blizzard only wants you to play the game as they made it and not stray out of the box by a hair.
Controlled stats just means easier balancing as there are less variables (stats gain per level and from gear are all set with limits)
No, you can't have 200 Strength and 10 Intel, you nice big wall of Statistical information that would put Wall Street Analyst to shame.

The Skill Tree has been chopped down indefinitely as Blizzard needs more lumber. You now get a linear, level based skill system. Simply put, skills are unlocked as you level up, there is no skill leveling up or skill point distribution.

At any given point, you can have up to 7 Active Skills at your disposal (you only get 2 in the start and more as you level) and 3 Passive Skills (1 at level 10 and 2 more as you hit higher levels)

Barbarian, Demon Hunter & Monk has a set of spammable skills which grants resource when used and the resource is in turn used to unleash devastating skills.
While Wizard & Witch Doctor has quick regenerating resources and a set of spammable skills that cost very low amount of resource and heavier hitting skills that cost more resource.
The game has evolved to a state of skill spamming limited by cooldowns and resource replenishment.

Tetris has been uninstalled.
Rings, potions, scrolls take 1 slot, boots, gloves, helm take 4 slots, chest armor takes 6 slot... oh wait, wrong game...
All items is now either 1 slot of 2 slots, its that simple. Blizzard fears that their players will get brain tumor trying to arrange their inventory.
No more inventory management cum Tetris mini game... sigh, the fun of ARPG keeps getting less thanks for Blizzy.

This is... TRISTRAM!!!!
There will be far less map randomness unlike its predecessors. Maps in the first few quest available to play are downright minimal.
Beta testers have pointed this out to Blizzy and their response is that Act 1 will be less random in order to tell the story of the game while maps of other Acts will be far more random.
After a few times down the Cathedral, I kept seeing the same stairwells, hallways and passages just pieced together in different directions.
I remain doubtful that there will be drastic map randomness as there are suppose to be scripted events/quests and preset boss chambers to make boss fights feel epic. (I would definitely get bored seeing the same boss chamber after the 3rd attempt)

Buy now and you get free Seizure!
There are so much particles, effects and lighting, you will start seeing green faeries and unicorns in your room (similar effects to drinking a few shots of absinth).
Fights are messy with things splattering and blowing up in every corner. For a moment, I though it was a Michael Bay production.
Seizure inducing splaster of effects bombared your screen as you plow thru the burning hells. (get 4 times the high with 4 players).
Move aside Pikachu, Diablo is here to hand out seizures.

Welcome to Newbie Camp SpamSkills2win.
If this game was any easier, unborn fetuses would be slaying Diablo in their mother's womb. There is no basic attack (well you only get to use it till level2) cause there isn't a need for one. Just SPAMMMMMM your skills and all Hell will bow before you in no time. Did I mention Health Globes?

My Crafter went to Royal Crafters Academy for his Ph.D
Asides from all the let down, crafting redeemed the game slightly and I mean very slightly. You have an option to break your trash gear (magic and above only) into random materials. The materials and gold are then used to craft gear with random property.

Materials are kept in your main inventory (not like you have any other). Haven't they heard of craft material inventory...
To get more craftable items, you need to send your Crafter to college to level him up. Enjoy paying gold to level up the crafter.

Gambling (like in Diablo2) won't be happening cause it causes too much legal issues in some countries so instead, you get crafting that creates gear with random properties (sounds like gambling?)
It is a good way to get some in-between-level gear but it will never provide top tier gear compared to boss loot.
In the end, it is just another gold/item sink to burn players' gold cause like Diablo 1 & 2, gold is essentially useless. Creative games have reduced or totally removed the need for gold (eg. pathofexile) in ARPG type games.

"You are not allowed to Slay Diablo alone, get more Players!"
Like making internet connection compulsory, Blizzard should just make this game multiplayer only too. Players are forced to play in multiplayer cause unlike before, playing alone compared to having 2-4 players hugely affects the toughness (not difficult/challenging but just tougher) and the amount/grade of loot drops

"Slay Diablo without any weapon." Challenge Accepted!

Achievements have made its way into the realm of Diablo. Killing Diablo with your bare hands now grant your 3 million achievement points. WOW!!!

There is a saying, 'Self praise is as good as no praise' and achievement is just another player ego stroking move by Blizzy to make their 'foverer-alone' players feel good.

I though I was playing Modern Warfare 3 when my screen suddenly turned red with a loud bing. My health was low and the game prompts you that you are DYING!
It even prompts you when you have healed after that dying ordeal. Now I don't even have to look at my health globe to check if I am dying, I just wait for the blood red Bing!

There are no key or shorcut to highlight interactable items on screen (crates, barrels, vase, tomes, etc.), so enjoy looking for stuff, escpecially tome hidden near more tomes.

(I have to highlight my mouse over interact-able objects.)


Asides from all the above, there will surely be some interesting things to look forward to in the full release but I remain skeptical about any major breakthroughts.

Here are some videos show casing high level skills in action (some are already available Beta):

Thanks to the distasteful Open Beta experience, I reinstalled Fallout2 and now scoure the wasteland in search of inspiring Mutants companions.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Have you pre-ordered Diablo III?

After 5+ years in development, months of beta testing and millions spent on generating hype, good old Blizzard has finally announce a launch date for Diablo 3 (aka Fail-ablo 3).

Before all you die hard fan start hitting the close tab button, there are obvious reasons for me to state why this game will fail like a dying goat and dissappoint millions of fans that ended up forking out USD59.90 to USD79.90 (price varies base on your country of purchase).

I will admit that I was overjoyed when I first heard about Fail-ablo 3 sequel. Most dungeon crawling fans had to deal with half-baked clones to satisfy their hunger for "coloured loot". All of a sudden leaks start surfacing and sequel to the slaying of the Horny-Red demon was announced.

As time went on since it announcement, the hype kept growing and the developers kept on teasing fans with groundbreaking changes to an already great sequel. However, time changed it all and anything that was innovative and new was slowly remove or replaced with common mechanics.

I could easily write pages more of how bad Fail-ablo 3 is going to be but here are 10 reasons that it will end up leaving players distasteful and running in the opposite direction.

Number 10
It is going to set you back by a good USD59.90 to USD79.00... Ouch!

Number 9
Boss monsters will have pre-set grand-entrances, NPCs will be "planted" on maps, there will be pre-set triggered events, so do expect less map randomness compared to previous titles.

Number 8
There will be no LAN and you will require constant and stable internet connection to play, even alone.

Number 7
There is no Player VS. Player when the game is released and will "probably" be added in coming patch.
(patch is just another word for DLC which players will end up paying another USD19.90)

Number 6
Tired of farming Diablo for the 100th time?
Well head on over to our new "Real Money Auction House" (RMAH) where you can buy items that we conveniently took from Diablo's pocket and placed it for sale in RMAH for just a bargain price of USD10.00!
(Developers "say" they won't put items in AH but there is nothing stopping them from anonymously doing it)

Number 5
Been selling that "Dragon Warplate of Ages" on gold Auction House (AH) for the pass 3 months?
Haven't you heard, no one uses gold AH anymore, RMAH is the "in-thing" now man!

Number 4
As in buying a burger for 10 bucks ain't bad enough thanks to inflation, it is also now going to happen in a game! (Price inflation in RMAH/AH)

Number 3
Awww Yeaa!!! Finished normal mode, now to proceed to Nightmare mode.
It's a goblin, kill it!!!!
Goblin hits you for 10000000 damage. Proceed to resurrect in town?
Menu > Quit Game > Uninstall.
Yes, developers have decided to make the game beyond normal mode so tough, you will need at least 300 spartans to take on Leoric in Hell mode.

Number 2
There are games on par or better for far less cost:
Path of Exile: Free! (Open Beta: June 2012)
Torchlight 2: USD19.90 (Full Release: May/June 2012)
Lineage Eternal (To be released MMO)

Number 1
It is running on an engine that was developed more then 3 years ago. Expect pixelated graphics, low res textures, weak AA and more. Even indie games in the past year have better graphics.

The list can go on till the cows start singing and pigs start flying, but I'll be nice and stop at 10.

Anyway, good luck to all those who have pre-ordered and I wish you much of luck enjoying the game.
*Sorry, Blizzy doesn't do refunds.

Good read: I am not excited and...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ready for the Next Galaxy from Samsung?

Almost 1 year since Samsung released Galaxy SII, they are now ready to bring another flagship smartphone that should be a cut above the rest.

Samsung has confirmed that they will be revealing the next Samsung Galaxy on May 3 at Samsung Unpacked event that is set to take place in London.

But nothing much is known, even the name of the smartphone or the specifications but we can be certain that Samsung will outfit the phone with some cool technology and high-end hardware like 1.5GHz quad-core Exynos with 1GB Ram, 12MP or higher rear cam, Super AMOLED Screen and so on.

There are some rumors going about such as ceramic casing for the phone (ceramic are light, durable, smooth & sratch resistant) to having wireless charging capability thanks to wireless energy transfer technology.

Time will tell as we draw closer to the date of the grand unveiling. So if you are planning on buying a new phone anytime soon, you might just want to wait a while and check out what surprises Samsung has installed for smartphone users.

Source1, Source2

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The New iPad Launching in Malaysia

All you Apple supports, the wait is finally over as the New iPad will officially be released in Malaysia this week. To be precise, it is set to release in Malaysia along with several other Asian countries on 20 April (this Friday).

You can stop asking your friends/relatives to smuggle one back to Malaysia now. With just a few days left till official launching and sale, it would be a good time to get some sleep cause you are going to need it if you plan to be the first few Malaysians to get their hands on the New iPad.

Queuing will probably start sometime on Thursday and would likely be sold out by the weekend. If you are too busy to queue, you can always consider paying someone to stand in line and buy the New iPad for you or get your grandma to help out.

Since it's release few months back, the New iPad has certainly drew lots of attention and reviews. So before you grab your sleeping back and camping gear, here are some of the Goods & the Bads about the New iPad.

1. New & Improved hardware (A5X chip - dual core CPU, quad core GPU)
2. Crazy screen resolution of 2048x1536
3. Now has 4G LTE capabilities
4. Affordable price of RM1499 (Galaxy Tab ranges from RM1299 to 1799 with lower specs)
5. A more powerful 3rd Gen. Lithium Ion Battery for increased up time.

1. 4G LTE can only be used in US as the rest of the world uses different frequencies.
2. Limited storage memory to 16, 32 or 64GB (no external memory slot unlike other tablets)
3. Casing temperatures can rise up to 47 Celsius (not boiling, but hot enough to cause discomfort)
4. Running on max. resolution quickly burns through the so called "new & better battery"
5. Slightly heavier then its predecessor, iPad2

I don't have any gripe against Apple and their revolutionary products but they are certainly lacking that revolutionary design that made them what they are today. Always do your research before buying any technological stuff as there are certainly drawbacks behind any innovation.

Source1, Source2, Source3

Friday, April 13, 2012

Prime Minister = Superman?

Propaganda has not been seen or used directly since World War II. It doesn't mean that its gone from the face of the earth. In this modern times, it has been carefully masked with layers of distraction to avoid you noticing it's effects.

But it seems that when all else fails, it is best to start digging out old tricks from the bag.

Here are several comics which were apparently given to some school teachers (only selected teachers received them, not sure why) in the country to help "remind" them who is running the country and whom they should vote for in the coming elections.
(books were printed and published by a fake company that does not exist)

Names are not mentioned in the comic but its kind of obvious...
(notice that the real bumiputra didn't put up his finger like the rest?)

The moment I saw this picture and I was reminded of... Oh, the similarities...
(it is standard for propaganda posters to have the ruler which we are all suppose to be thankful of, the proud flag of the nation and the people)

DC comic was lying all the while about Superman saying he is from Smallville, USA. The picture below clearly shows he is from Malaysia, helping the rakyat.

A superhero doesn't look complete until they have an enemies. They all get good amounts of publicity along side the mighty superhero.

I am such a fan now and can't wait for the next issue.
Wonder where I can get my hands on the complete comic.

Source: MI & the internet.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Download Your Facebook.

Here is a nifty update from Facebook that lets users download their own Facebook information with just a few clicks. This is a great way to back up our months/years of information that we have placed on Facebook.

Here are some of the things that you will end up getting after the download:
- Photos and Videos that you have shared on your Facebook
- Your chat conversations and messages
- All the wall post that you have posted
- Friendlist and their contacts (if available and allowed)
- No, you won't be getting any of your friend's photos or information and any comments made on other's post.

From time to time, I see my friends having to recreate a new Facebook account and starting from scratch after losing their account to hackers or what not. With a backup ready in your computer/archive, it would surely make it easier to recreate a new account. But do keep in mind where you store the downloaded information as it could easily be accessed once downloaded to your PC or to an archive.

The steps are as easy as 1-2-3.

1. Log in to your Facebook and head to Account Settings.
(click on the arrow beside 'Home' for those that have never editted your Account Settings before this)

2. Once inside your Account Settings, scroll down the page and look for and click on 'Download a copy of your Facebook data'

3. You will then be brought to the final page where you can click on Start My Archive and Facebook starts to pack your information for download.

Well done, you now have a copy of your Facebook!

Source: Facebook , Slashgear

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

World is ending... but When?

December 21, 2012. A date that has been famously misinterpreted as the end of the world. Experts say it just means a transition to a new cyclical era calendar.
(Mayan calendars max at 5125 years before resetting).

In case the Mayan were just trolling us and indeed the world will end on the date, here are my take on the top 10 ways humankind might get annihilated.

10. Rapture
I wonder myself why this made it to the list but you never know when god might get tired of his little "Ant Farm" and decide its time to get new pets.

9. Extraterrestrial / Alien Invasion
"We do not come in peace..." and death to the human race ensues with systemic destruction of power supply, army bases, etc. With galaxies being billions of years old, the odds of super advance, blood thirsty aliens out to wipe us out might just happen one day.

8. Impact with Celestial Bodies.
From Big A** Asteroids to Moon sized objects, Apophis 99942, grabbed the headlines when it was first sighted. "Experts" calculate that it will be a near miss, but I remain skeptical that Apophis or some other object will come knocking at our door.

7. Solar Storm / Solar Flare
In our comfortable bubble called atmosphere that we take for granted, a strong enough Solar Flare from our own Sun or nearby stars could easily knock out Earth's atmosphere and ending life on Earth.

6. Environmental Disaster
We only began to understand the basics of our home called Earth in the pass few decades. Drastic weather changes, shifting of tectonic plates to global warming could easily happen bringing about end of life.

5. Robot Apocalypse
Novels, Movies, Video Games. We have been provided with so many warnings of sentient AI culling their masters. Skynet anyone?

4. Zombie-pocalypse

3. Global Pandemic / Incurable Disease
A deadly disease could easily be unleashed upon human society ending 99.9% life. Mutated-Ultra Resistant strain of the Flu Virus is my top pick.

2. World War / Nuclear Holocaust
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” Albert Einstein

1. Global Economy Meltdown
Peak Oil, Food Price surge, Inflation, etc. Once this bad-a** chain reaction starts, there is no stopping it as the economy bubble is ready to burst any moment.

All this writing about how the world might end just makes me want to watch the movie
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

You must log in first.

Download Complete!

Ahh, finally I can try that new mobile game that everyone is talking,

and a message appears...

"You can either login with your Facebook account (and be able to play with all your friends on your friendlist with ease) or create a new account (and wait 3 years for the game to search for an unknown person who is randomly selected from all over the world just to play with you)."

Filling in my email and password, it would only be natural to enable the "remember me" option so I don't have to type everything again every time I want to use this application, unless I am practicing to get high score on Typershark....

Seriously, when one is presented with these options, majority of users will conveniently disregard the safety of their Facebook or other log in IDs. People just presume it is safe to log in via a 3rd party application and that their ID and password remains secure.

Needless to say, nothing is as it seems and thanks to Gareth Wright (click to jump to full article), it is stated that our log in details aren't so safe after all. The wonderful file containing the log in details just sits in the phone unprotected. Like turkeys on thanksgiving, it is just waiting to be sniffed up by malwares when plugged into a PC or such devices.

I ain't no programmer or hacker, but if this has been discovered and made known on the internet, I'm willing to bet my socks that evil forces are at work trying to exploit this before Facebook fixes this soon.

Time to change my Facebook password... again...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

10 Reasons to Queue Up

One time or another, we all spent some of our precious time queuing to buy an item, use the toilet or even to use the toilet when your bladder is about to explode. It is unavoidable unless you live on a desolated island in the middle of the ocean which you will probably end up queuing with monkeys to wait for coconuts.

A study shows that an average Brit spends about 6 months of their life queuing.

"That doesn't sound like much over a life time." you say?

With 6 months you can workout and get that body you always dreamt of!!!

The though of waiting in line is enough to bore anyone to death. I don't blame them, the normal attention span is between 15 to 20 minutes. Anything beyond this and you would probably forget what you are queuing for.

So, why should we be bothered to wait in line for extended periods?

Well, here are 10 reasons to get you jumping at the next chance to queue.

10. It is the smart thing to do when you are sharing the world with 7 billion people.

9. Queuing gets you noticed by the ladies so start queuing like a Sir now!

8. You will probably get what you are queuing for if you queued for it patiently.

7. Gives you time to stalk your crush on Facebook.

6. Queue like a sir and the queen might knight you.

5. Every time you jump-queue, a kitten dies.

4. So you can tweet you about how long you have waited in line.

3. Not only will kittens die, you might too if you jump-queue.

2. How will anyone know whose turn it is if no one queues?

and the number 1 reason to queue...

1. You can earn $300 after 28 hours or $950 after 4 days just by queuing.
Getting paid to queue? Where can I sign up?!?!

On a more serious note, please queue the next time you end up in a line or at least for the sake of the kittens...

Here is a good article for those who want to know more about people and waiting in lines.


This blog will mostly consist of interesting information that I manage to sniff off from the internet.

Never hurt anyone to know more about people and your surroundings, so why not take some time off while life is loading to gain some knowledge.

Enjoy your time here and I promise to update every few days if not more often.

*Warning: Knowledge may include awesomely epic facts dressed in a satirical manner.