Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Are you ready for April 28?

*Updated (27 April)

The Lady has spoken.


Here are some extra information and links for the auspicious event.

Route map for the event and all its rally points pointing to the main venue.

And some cute educational pictures regarding gathering
 (made for last years event but still relevant and informative)

Click on LINK


The current state of our voting system.

"The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion."

This quote has always been my favorite. Religious beliefs, racial creeds and political inclinations should never be the barrier that separates mankind from unity. Sadly, years of civilization has only driven mankind further apart...

Plagued with corruption and uneven distribution of power/wealth across the country (not as bad as some other countries, but it is prominent enough for the citizens to feel pressure), the Malaysia is now in the verge of having it's 13th General Election in the coming months.

28 April is just around the corner where supporters clad in yellow will take to the streets (more precisely, Dataran Merdeka) of KL and have a sit-down protest for a cleaner election and electoral reform before the General Elections.

Everyone hopes for a peaceful gathering, however history tends to repeat itself and it is highly unlikely that this round of "peaceful gathering" will be anything but peaceful thanks to strict security measures taken by the ruling government to prevent such a gathering. Anti Riot Personnel, Water Cannon Trucks, City Road Blockades and other preventive measures will surely be in place on the Saturday (road blockade can start as early as a day or 2 before the actual date).

For those interested in attending/ supporting this cause for a "better" nation, here are a few safety tips that could make your mob gathering experience, a more successful one.

Avoid wearing contact lenses as Tear Gas or Chemical laced water from water cannon trucks will wreck havoc on your eyes. Instead, opt for tight fitting goggles (swimming or industrial versions). Do NOT  rub your hands against your eyes, nose, mouth or any openings if you have been hit with Tear Gas as this would easily spread it torment.

Clothing/ Attire
Avoid wearing bright colored clothing but most supporters of this gathering will be in yellow shirt so... The trick is to either wear another black t-shirt below or wear a jacket above so you can swap whenever appropriate. Also, always bring spare change of clothing (make sure to keep them in a plastic bag to keep them clean). Carry a damp scarf or bandana and use it to cover your mouth/ nose to let it soak up the affects of the Tear Gas.

You can always try wearing slippers if you fancy your toes getting mashed by hordes of fleeing protestors. A pair of good fitting Sneakers are your best option and try to pack along a pair of  spare shoe or slipper as backup as all that running/ escaping can easily cause you to lose your footwear during the havoc.

Yes, phones and not just a phone. Bring along a spare as things might get messy and your phone could easily get splashed with water and so on rendering them useless. Ziplock bags are great for keeping your phone dry.

ID/ Cash
Put all your credit/debit cards aside and bring only a decent amount of cash (a couple hundred in 50s and smaller notes, coins might help if you need to use a public phone). They are going to be mighty useful to pay for transports, bribing your way pass checkpoints or out of apprehension and so on. Make sure to bring along your ID in case you get rounded up. Once again, keep them dry in Ziplocks.

Always inform your family/ relative/ friends that you can trust if you are attending such an auspicious gathering. Keep a list of important contacts in your phone (or paper incase your phone dies) such as lawyers, judges, attorneys, friends in high places etc. as you might need their help after you get arrested.

Food/ Water
It could easily go on for hours and you wouldn't want to be caught dehydrated and hungry when the action starts. Bring along some protein bars, granola bars, chocolate treats, gatorade and red-bull so top up on sugar and energy. Don't forget the all important H2O.

Bring along a some basic first aid supplies like a roll of bandage or some plasters and so on as you never know when things might get rough. Below are some quick remedies incase of Tear Gas or Chemical Laced Water (from water cannon trucks):
  • Liquid Antacid* & Water (LAW) - A good mix of 50% Antacid & 50% Water kept in a bottle** is very handy for washing eyes, skin, mouth, nose etc (even your genitals) after you are hit with Tear Gas or Chemical Laced Water as it helps to reduce the suffering.

  • Saline/ Salt Water - Mix a salt (5-10%) and water (90-95%) in a bottle** before hand and use it to wash/ rinse away any Riot Control Chemicals on you. Helps to reduce the irritation.
* Common Antacids: Eno & Maalox.
** Consider putting the mixtures in Spray Bottles for ease of use.

  • Toothpaste - A less common remedy that is rubbed directly below your eyes if they are affected with Tear Gas. Suppose to counter the irritating affects of Tear Gas.

Mental Readiness
It is not a picnic or a walk in the park, and it will get messy. Think before any confrontation and do not be easily intimidated. Be alert of your surroundings and know your exit routes. If you are going with friends, designate a emergency meet-up point incase you get separated. Avoid areas like bridges or exit points as a person can easily get trampled to death by a fleeing mob. Know your safe zones like clinics, hospitals... well "most" hospitals should be safe enough.

You are now ready to be one bad-ass protester.

The tips above are generally for gathering that ends up turning sour and all hell breaks lose. If some how all goes well and the gathering ends up taking place peaceful with no government suppresion and a triple rainbow appears, you can then enjoy the gathering comfortably.

Source1, Source2, Source3

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