Monday, October 22, 2012

Torchlight 2: Verdict & Review

About a month since release, Torchlight 2 has been taking up most of my time as expected. But it was all well worth it as the game is everything I expected and more. It is money well spent as where can a gamer get a game that gives them hours of replayability for under USD20.

Here is a quick summary of my views on the game thus far:

  • Gameplay is great and filled with action  as it totally satisfies ARPG fans. Blast and hack your way across hordes of monsters ready to die for their cause.
  • Loot, so much freaking loot! Torchlight 2 is totally not shy on giving players loot. Unlike a certain multimillion dollar title, Torchligt2 rewards player on a acceptable basis with unique loot just enough to keep you grinding for moar. (I have 2 mule characters filled to the brim just after 10 days... Yes, I hoard uniques)
  • Quest NPCs and Bosses are memorable and laughable, making it a ball to play through all the side quest in the game.
  • Random terrain/ map is done beautifully making no 2 map similar (except for boss arenas) and filled with random or set side quests that makes players just want to fully uncover each map they step into.
  • Reward items from quest are actually useful to players and gives a good gear upgrade. There is even a quest that rewards player with a NPC vendor after completing the quest.
  • Item enchanting was quite unbalanced from Torchlight 1 where players would spam enchantment on powerful item all the way. But in Torchlight 2, items can be enchanted up to 3 times and this helps a lot when players want to wear and item that they have outleveled but still want to wear it for its particular stats or not have something better.
  • All class skills have potential and it is up to the player to find which skill synergizes with another skill and how it all compliments to the players intended build. It does not mean a level 1 skill is weak later in game or that a level 42 skill is the best in higher levels.
  • Skill respec has been generating quite a lot of buzz in Torchlight 2 as the game only allows players to respec up to 3 most recent skills taken. This means players can respec skills that they taken early on in the game or respec all skills and rebuild a character. There are 2 sides to this as it is from the makers of Diablo1&2 and it is in their style to keep it that way. This also causes players to replay the game more by remaking new characters to test different builds. Best thing to do now, is to plan your character build with a skill calculator and best one out there is Torchlight Armory.
  • Near endless end game content with Mapworks. The game features a random dungeon generator with special attributes tied to it which players can purchase from an NPC vendor after they have completed the final quest. Pick the attributes and zone, grab a couple of friends and farm till the world ends. Unlike Path of Exile which the maps are dropped from monsters as loot and can be modified afterwards, players can only purchase what the NPC vendor offers. (tip: remaking a LAN game and ticking the reroll  map box cause all NPC vendors to refresh their items on sale but all reseeds all your explored locations.)
  • New Game Plus (NG+) lets players who have finished the game once start all over again with the game adjusted to 51. (not sure if there is a New New Game Plus after completing it once as my Mage just started of NG+ while my Berserker is busy farming Maps.)
  • Resistance matters and Torchlight 2 introduces 2 types of defence against menacing elemental damage. With elemental resistance armor, player reduces elemental damage propotionally from an element. (based on my observations) There is also direct elemental damage reduction by percentage (not sure armor or percentage takes effect first). At higher levels, stacking elemental armor and having a few percentage reductions are key to surviving elite or boss's 1 hit kill skills.
  • Mapworks let characters that have completed the game (kill the final boss in the final act) access the final town zone and purchase Maps (randomly created zones with positive or negative effects applied to players and monsters in that particular map) with gold. This options provides near endless gameplay to players. The monsters within the zones are randomly selected from one of the themes and the boss is also randomized. Players can farm for exp, money, loot or just for fun for 3 levels per map (2 levels of mobs and 1 level with the boss).
  • Patches and updates come frequent and developers address bugs and game balances very well by buffing or nerfing skills when needed.

And heres a quick look at my 2 main characters that I am currently playing:

  • Berserker
    • I play this badass as a dual wielding melee monster equipped mostly with passive skills and area effects skills without any single or focused skills.
    • Relying on passive skills, war cry and battle standard, this playstyle makes the Berserker near indestructable while tanking bosses (with sufficient life drain).
    • Currently at level 68, I kept the Berserker at non Game Plus so that I can play with my friends and level up by farming Mapworks.
    • My verdict on the Berserker is that it is too reliant on Life Steal per hit (either % or X amount) to survive when going toe to toe with elites, bosses or groups of mobs. But does very well when soloing bosses as Berserker does a good consistent flow of damage while taking almost anything the boss can throw at him (as long as  enough HP is stacked)

  • Embermage
    • This is my second character which I started after playing Berserker and it is a totally awesome class to play.
    • During beta in May2012, I felt that Embermage was a little underpower but boy was I wrong. This elemental damage dishing madman mows down mobs and bosses in a jiffy, as long as you don't get hit by boss's instant kill skills.
    • My solution was to stack Hit Points so my Embermage currently has about 8000 HP at level 100 and I plan to get more.
    • Not relying too much on the Charge bar, a lot of my sockets used are Mana Regen per second which is great for letting my Frost Phase (aka Blink/Teleport) around the map limitlessly and spam non-charge building spells for a long period of time.
    • The main thing that made me level my Embermage to level 100 eventhough it was my second character is that it clears groups of mobs so quickly and easily. Mana is almost never a problem even without drinking mana potions.
    • The most powerful spell that kills anything = Flame Pillars. Reason being, it does damage per tick and totally ignores monster armor. With 7 Pillars stacking on a target, it literally dies in miliseconds.

Now I have just moved on to an Outlander since I keep finding so much Outlander gear and guns/bows/xbows. At level 55, I still don't feel it is anywhere as efficient in clearing mobs and bosses like Embermage. 

Next on the list is either a caster/frost Berserker or Cannoneer.

All in all, this game proves to be a testament to the great ARPG games that the original makers of Diablo 1 & 2 are able to deliver. Hope they keep it up with their free DLC and expansion/sequels.

I will post my skills and built after I compile the screenshots.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Countdown to Torchlight 2 release.

If you have been living under Blizzy's Failablo shadow, then you might not have heard of Torchlight2. An ARPG from the makers from Diablo1 & 2, Mythos, etc etc.

Basic information about the game.

There is so much content, even Kotaku approves of this.

Link to Kotaku's article.

And here is a simple run down of how much stuff there is compared to the sequel.

Got to love it when game developers are not tied to money grubbing publishers as players end up rejoicing in all the free goodies that the developer willingly throw in to pamper supporters.

Music by the awesome Matt Uelmen (the mastermind behind Diablo1's Tristram town music) has been released in CD quality for free and can be downloaded now.

Link to Torchlight2

Game is due to release via steam just hours away, so quickly head on over to Steam to grab a copy of the game now.

For those who have purchased, you can preload (predownload game files, but there might be additional patch file downloads later on) the game now so you can hop right into the game once it is released in 5 hours time.

Here are the simple steps:

  1. Load Steam
  2. Select View
  3. Open your Game List
  4. Look for your purchased Torchlight2 game
  5. Select it to start preloading.

Click to enlarge

Friday, September 14, 2012

More Smartphone Comparison

Along with hands on experience, comparing numbers and specifications is another great way to decide on which phone is better suited for your needs.

After I took some time compiling a comparison between click-> iPhone 5 against Samsung Galaxy S3 and Nokia Lumia 920 (pitching iOS against top a top Android phone and Windows Mobile 8 phone), here is another comparison table courtesy of SoyaCincau.

The table below compares in lesser detail iPhone 5 against several other Android OS phones from HTC, Samsung, Huawei, etc.

Click to enlarge 


Thursday, September 13, 2012

iPhone5 vs Samsung GS III vs Nokia Lumia 920

As to no suprise, the iPhone 5 along was revealed yesterday to much disappointment. I expected much more from the tech leaders and they failed to deliver. Barely any innovation in hardware wise and I won't even say anything about iOS6 as it is well known to be a boring OS with nothing groundbreaking.

Thankfully, the other stuff announced like the new generation iPods saved the show in my opinion.

I won't go on any further about how bad or how they could have done it, instead, here is a comparison amongst the top 3 phones from different makers and using different Operating System, out in the market (soon to be for some) battling it out.

There is no need to argue which is better, just see compare for yourself.

Click on the picture to enlarge.

Sorry that I couldn't get any more numbers on iPhone 5 but Apple was being their usual retarded self and trying to hide the truth about their hardware by misleading consumers with "2.1 times faster loading" and "18% thinner" crap without saying any numbers but we can only compare and find out so much for now.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Torchlight 2 Release Date, Official!

The game is finally here! (click here to read more about the game)

Just recently announced at PAX, the game is confirmed to be released on 20 September 2012!

So, stop waiting and head on over to Steam to purchase the game now!

Oh, and here is a yummy new video released at PAX, showing off the stuff since beta in May 2012.

Just look at all the new stuff, just a couple months of release being held back and players get a ton of changes.

Lastly, here is some additional read of this great news!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Note II

Once again, another great thing happened while we were deep in slumber.

Samsung's Galaxy Note II (2) has been revealed (more or less) and official information on it is now widely available to help potential buyers decide if they want to buy this awesome phoneblet (phone cum tablet, haha...)

Here is a quick rundown on the specs:

  • 1.6GHz Quad-Core Exynos processor
  • 2GB Ram
  • 5.5″ 1280×720 HD Super AMOLED display
  • Runs on  Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
  • 3,100 mAh battery 
  • Height 151.1mm , Width 80.5mm
  • Thickness of 9.4mm (0.25mm less from Note 1)

Phone would probably be priced around MYR2,100 to MYR2300 (similar to its other flagship phones upon release). Expect the usual cheaper packages/contract from providers.

Samsung Galaxy Note II could be in Malaysia by October, so keep those bank accounts ready.

*On a separate note, it seems that Samsung has announced on their Twitter that Samsung Galaxy SIII, Note and Note 10.1 will all be getting Jelly Bean update soon.

Awww Yeah!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

The real message behind Gangnam Style

Update 25 August 2012

That is all.


(sexy GIF image of PSY courtesy of theAtlantic)

Asides from being quite totally ridiculous, this viral video does indeed have a good amount of sense and logic to it.

No, PSY (or Park Jaesang) is not half crazy nor is the song/video. He actually wrote and choreographed the whole thing (probably most it) which rarely any artist in S.Korea does (or around the world for that matter).

Throughout the whole video, PSY dances in various settings with his crazy horse-riding dance move, there is actually purpose all the locations (except for the lift and mega hip thrusting guy, which is a rather famous S.Korean personality).

To sum it out short, PSY's song is about

  • The disparity and gap between the average income earners compared to the ultra rich (kids being handed down billions included) in S. Korea.
  • PSY dancing all over riding an imaginary horse.

If you somehow haven't seen the video, its right below with about 54 million views and counting.