Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Parrot AR Drone 2.0

It seems Parrot AR Drone 2.0 has finally arrived in Malaysia and it looks great.

Compared to the previous version, it spots a some changes in design which is meant to increase the drones durability and resist damage from bumps and crashes. The UI and flight data view has also been updated.

The on board camera can also be upgraded to a 720p camera for some HD spying and reconnaissance if you know what I mean. Willing to bet my shoes that many hobbyist and wannabe spies will end up buying this toy and flying it over places which they should be to do some "spying"...

Can't blame them cause the price tag on this bad puppy is only RM1499 which is actually cheaper then the phone that people will probably use to control the drone.

So don't be surprised if you start seeing drone flying all over and most probably in places they don't belong like peeking at their neighbor's room or something...

Source1, Source2

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