Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thank You for all the views!

I would think that my humble blog about random stuff would ever see the daylight of reaching 1000 views and beyond but it seems that it is about to happen.

Just a few views away till 1000 views and this is a great encourage for me to continue to write more random boggles of the internet for everyone's reading pleasure.

As a token, I have manage to get my hands on another Dota 2 Beta Key which I will gladly give to the first person to answer the question below by putting your Steam email and answer in the comments,

Is Valve's Dota 2 
  1. Pay-to-Play with subscription fee ?
  2. Totally Free-to-Play ?
  3. Free-to-Play with Ethical Micro-transactions ?

Next, I seem to have a couple of spare Path of Exile accounts lying around and will be giving them out in due time, so remember to check back from time to time.

Once again, thank you all :)

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